[mythtv] mythtv-vid branch needs testing

Mark Kendall mark.kendall at gmail.com
Sun Aug 12 08:35:59 UTC 2007

On 8/11/07, Asher <freedenizen at gmail.com> wrote:
> What's the best way of trying to get rid of tearing?  I'm seeing a lot
> with opengl SD content.  Also when there are a lot of cuts the image
> seems to flicker, like it shows one frame of the new scene, then one
> of the old, and then back, although I don't know if that is what is
> happening, it just seems to flicker.
> Let me know what settings to try or what to look at in logs and I'll
> try to get some better information


In theory, you need to either enable opengl vsync in mythtv or opengl
sync to vblank in nvidia settings. Enabling both shouldn't do any

In reality, I've found I get tearing if I don't enable opengl sync to
vblank in nvidia settings and enabling both results in a small
performance/frame rate hit that means I get a small glitch in playback
every 20 seconds or so.

So I suggest you try enabling opengl sync to vblank (if you haven't
done so already) - though the best setup is likely to be
hardware/driver dependant.



(P.S. I take it you're not seeing any more crashes with the patch applied?)

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