[mythtv] [PATCH] Control duplicates by channel ID

Bruce Markey bjm at lvcm.com
Mon Aug 6 00:31:22 UTC 2007

David Shay wrote:
> If this analysis is correct, attached is the latest patch that
> includes the update to dbcheck.cpp.  I didn't phase out
> IsSameProgramTimeslot, but just qualified it with the dupchanid and
> chanid checks.
> Let me know.

Some quick 'good' testing. I found some things to check into
for 'bad' testing but here's the good news for today =).

Created rules for 'Whacked Out Sports' for 3 KVBC and 123 KVBC.
at 3:30. Set both to start 10min late and one to end 10min early.
At 3:40 both started recording. 

mysql> select recordid,recstatus,chanid,station,title from oldrecorded where title = 'Whacked Out Sports';
| recordid | recstatus | chanid | station | title              |
|     1332 |        -2 |   1003 | KVBC    | Whacked Out Sports |
|     1333 |        -2 |   2123 | KVBC    | Whacked Out Sports |

A few minutes in, I killed the master with 2123 while a slave
continued to record 1003. I restarted the MBE expecting that it
would find the slave and restart 2123 locally. However, the
connection was late and the slave's card wasn't included in the
reclist of the first schedule run (but was included on the next
run several second later). Because the master considered the slave
as unreachable, it did the right thing (for that circumstance) and
restarted 2123 plus 1003 on another available local card(!).

At 3:50, 1332 stopped as it was set to end 10min early while
1333 on 2123 continued to record:

mysql> select recordid,recstatus,chanid,station,title from oldrecorded where title = 'Whacked Out Sports';
| recordid | recstatus | chanid | station | title              |
|     1332 |        -3 |   1003 | KVBC    | Whacked Out Sports |
|     1333 |        -2 |   2123 | KVBC    | Whacked Out Sports |

So it looks like the basics work.

One quick observation, search rules always have record.chanid=0.
That ought to be solvable but I'm still pondering...

PowerPriority was broken (HD priority, prefinput, etc.)

-        p->recpriority2 = result.value(45).toInt();
+        p->recpriority2 = result.value(46).toInt();

Oh, "Channel ID" isn't really end user terminology and "consider"
and "ignoring" are confusing even when I know what's supposed to
happen. How about "Match duplicates from any channel" and "Match
duplicates only from this channel"? I'm not sold that this is the
best wording but the idea should be 'anything' vs 'this specific

--  bjm

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