[mythtv] what about mythweather in france ?

Benoît LORAND benoit.lorand at blorand.org
Sun Aug 5 10:39:05 UTC 2007

Bill a écrit :
> Assuming you are using the mythweather-revamp, check out ticket 
> http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/3337.
> This has a script from simonflood attached that will retrieve weather from 
> weather.com.  This should work for France.  You'll also need the icons 
> attached to the ticket.
> Due to concerns regarding the weather.com conditions of use, the mythtv dev 
> team has elected not to include this script in svn.  But with the new 
> structure of mythweather-revamp, it can be easily added by the end user. 
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thanks. In attachement patch for mythweb rev 14147. works fine but 
apache do not find skins/default/img/weather/TWClogo_64px.png


benoit.lorand at blorand.org
Fax : 09 58 35 85 84

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