[mythtv] ConvertX MPEG2

Troels Blum troels at blum.dk
Thu Apr 5 13:51:16 UTC 2007

I have been using MythTV for over 2 years. During this time hoping for
MPEG2 support with Plextor's ConvertX (TV402U). 
It seems that nobody is working on it, even though it has been requested
from time to time in the forums. So now I think that maybe I should take
a look at it.

So first of all: 
Is anybody working on MPEG2 support with the go7007 chip? 
Who did the original MPEG4 implementation for ConvertX, and would you be
willing to help?
Where do i get info on the structure of the recording/liveTV part of

Could I get some pointers to get started:
What would be the best (MythTV) way to implement it? Should it be a new
device "USB MPEG2" or options for the ConvertX device?

I'm guessing the the implementation should NOT go in NuppelVideoRecorder
since it would not go in a Nupple container. So should the
implementation go in libmythtv/mpegrecorder.cpp, or somewhere completely

BR Troels
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