[mythtv] Using filters with mythtranscode

Bryan Mayland bmayland at leoninedev.com
Fri Mar 31 21:50:42 UTC 2006

I could start this with a story describing my impetus, but I've added 
support for using custom filters in transcoding profiles for some 
reason.  Is there any reason to include / not include this in trunk?  It 
adds the code to do it (like 2 lines) and the code to configure it from 
the recordingprofiles config wizard (like a bunch of lines).

I also noticed that the ConfigurationDialog class never initialized its 
protected dialog member to NULL, meaning that it could not be reliably 
used to tell if the dialog was available.  This includes a 1-line fix to 
rectify that.

If this seems like a good idea, and the patch looks halfway decent, let 
me know if there's anything I need to modify before I submit it to trac.

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