[mythtv] Changes needed for Compilation on Cygwin

Robin Neatherway robthebob at gmail.com
Mon Mar 27 07:36:20 UTC 2006

On 3/27/06, Nigel Pearson <nigel at ind.tansu.com.au> wrote:
>         Yes.
>         That is probably being pulled in due to configure
> guessing wrongly. You may need to run it with some extra
> flags to force Linux-like APIs to be disabled. e.g.:
> configure --disable-x11 --disable-v4l --disable-audio-oss \
>            --disable-audio-alsa --disable-ivtv --enable-direct_x

Thanks, this seems like a good idea to me.

>         Cygwin's linker will require different
> sets of flags, but you will probably need
> to add changes everywhere there is a Mac fix.

Now that I've managed to build mythfrontend by editing makefiles after
their generation I suppose I should have a crack at this.

Generally, debugging this seems like it's going to be rather difficult
as gdb doesn't behave 100% normally for me. It gives apparently
"benign" segfaults whenever a pthread operation is performed, and I'm
having difficulty getting it to follow the execution into the Init
method where the database connection starts (and is failing for me).

Robert, are you still working on this, would you like my diff so far?

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