[mythtv] Choppy performance on Mac Intel builds / scaling issue?

Nigel Pearson nigel at ind.tansu.com.au
Mon Mar 27 06:20:42 UTC 2006

	In my limited experience, "surges"
are usually caused by the CPU not being able
to fill/empty the videoout buffer in time.

> 26.5%	26.5%	QuickTimeComponents YUV422_UC_ToRGB32BitColorBGRA

	That one should be hardware assisted
Don't know why it isn't in this case.

> 18.7%	18.7%	mythtv	non_vec_yuv420_2vuy(unsigned
> 		char*, unsigned char*, unsigned char*, unsigned char*,
> 		int, int, int, int, int)

	That is the primitive YUV420 -> YUV422,
whose whole purpose is to massage the data
into a format that the hardware-assisted
QuickTime routine can deal with.

	Other simple things to check:

1) Deinterlacing. This can often cause

2) Try different playback synchronisation methods

3) Network latency.
Shouldn't be an issue in MMX vs non-MMX though

Nigel Pearson, nigel at ind.tansu.com.au | "Gentlemen,
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