[mythtv] OpenGL menu background rendering problem

Colin Guthrie mythtv at colin.guthr.ie
Thu Mar 23 11:34:48 UTC 2006

florin baiduc wrote:
> Heey - nice advice, it was a new MythScreenStack after all :)) Kind of
> making sense, isn't it? :))

Not overly as I still can't work out where the actual background is 
displayed full stop in order to narrow down the (numerous) painter calls 
that seem to be causing the issue.

I'll puzzle it out when I get the time to walk through the code 
properly.... Was hoping for some pointers from someone who knew off the 
top of their head the bit of the code that drew the background so I 
could enter in some placeholder debug statements in order to narrow down 
the painter debugging stuff I'd have to insert to the stuff relevent to 
the background drawing, but I guess I'll just have to work it out 
myself. Hey ho, no worries there, it'll just take me a bit longer to 
puzzle out, and would probably take the person helping me as long to 
figure out as me anyway.

The mythuitest loads a background as follows:

  QString backgroundname = 

Not sure where that setting comes from (Qt Theme?) but it seems to think 
the image it gets is in the theme dir and prepends that path to it.

Either way, this value is not in my settings table... Not had a chance 
to actually use this yet, just looked at the source so I'm sure it will 
all make sense when I do some hacking...

Ciao for now.


|     Colin Guthrie      |
| myth(at)colin.guthr.ie |
| http://colin.guthr.ie/ |

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