[mythtv] Changes needed for Compilation on Cygwin

Robin Neatherway robthebob at gmail.com
Wed Mar 22 23:13:48 UTC 2006

What release of mythtv are you using?

Would you mind posting/emailing the patches you've made so far, and
I'll have a wrestle from this end if I get a chance.


On 3/22/06, Robert Johnston <anaerin at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 3/22/06, Mark Buechler <mark.buechler at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Ah, good point.. that's a shame. A Windows port of Qt I would think would be
> > slower than a genuine release. But then again Myth also needs X, or does the
> > DirectX still take care of the neeed for that?
> As Myth uses QT to open the window and do (most) things related to it,
> then Myth should work on Cygwin using Win32. If it uses X, I shall be
> very dissappointed (As I tried using CoLinux and Xming to run a myth
> box on here, and as all the Windows X servers don't support XV, and
> you can't use Shared Memory over a network link).
> --
> Robert "Anaerin" Johnston
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