[mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #368: Teletext patch for DVB/IVTV cards

Ng Theng Kiat htpc at treblid.dyndns.org
Wed Mar 22 10:10:57 UTC 2006

Frank Muenchow wrote:

> I just tried it with the recording I have from you and do not have any
>problems. Please provide a crashing stream and a bt log.
Thanks for looking into this.. If you mean the sample recording I gave u 
several months ago, I'm surprised it works on your side, as it crashed 
on me then.

I have another recording here (10Mb),  

Two backtraces included (similar to what I provided earlier).

SVN revision 9439, set to PAL teletext, using XvMC (Nvidia AGP 6600GT).

Could this be a configuration issue?

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