[mythtv] EPG crashes mfe - svn 9409

zoiks2004-ivtv at yahoo.com zoiks2004-ivtv at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 19 19:36:02 UTC 2006

Since upgrading from 0.18.1 to 0.19 (svn 9409) I can
no longer open the EPG from live TV without crashing
the frontend.  When I select the on-screen EPG, video
freezes permanently and I get the following errors in

2006-03-19 11:22:50.790 Opening audio device
2006-03-19 11:22:50.790 Opening OSS audio device
2006-03-19 11:22:53.651 Using realtime priority.
2006-03-19 11:22:53.652 TV: Changing from None to
2006-03-19 11:22:53.850 Video timing method: SGI
X Error: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource
denied) 10
  Major opcode:  128
  Minor opcode:  5
  Resource id:  0x800009
X Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) 8
  Major opcode:  138
  Minor opcode:  6
  Resource id:  0x800009
2006-03-19 11:23:09.763 NVP: Timed out waiting for
free video buffers.
2006-03-19 11:23:11.966 NVP: Timed out waiting for
free video buffers.
2006-03-19 11:23:14.169 NVP: Timed out waiting for
free video buffers.

The last lines seem to repeat indefinitely.  Then, I

I found no correlated errors in mythbackend.log,
Xorg.0.log, or /var/log/messages.

I'm using a GeForce4 MX440 s-video output, using
nvidia's 7667 version driver.  Myth is compiled with
OpenGL vsync support, and I'm using bob + opengl vsync

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