[mythtv] Commercial flagging stopped working for me sometime after rev 9287

Daniel A Segel mythtv-dev at archer-segel.com
Thu Mar 16 05:12:39 UTC 2006

Commercial flagging works fine for me with 9287, but with 9300 and 9371 
(and perhaps revisions between those two) it doesn't work. I looked over 
the changes between 9287 and 9300 but didn't see anything obvious that 
might have broken it for me (but I might have missed it.) I get log 
entries like the following from mythbackend:

2006-03-15 20:33:56.209 JobQueue: Commercial Flagging Starting for 
MythBusters "Cell Phones on Planes" recorded from channel 1182 at Wed 
Mar 15 18:00:00 2006
2006-03-15 20:33:56.318 commflag: Commercial Flagging Starting
2006-03-15 20:33:56.693 Using runtime prefix = /usr/local
2006-03-15 20:33:56.775 New DB connection, total: 1
2006-03-15 20:33:56.802 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: 
2006-03-15 20:33:56.823 New DB connection, total: 2
2006-03-15 20:33:56.826 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: 
2006-03-15 20:33:56.857 Connecting to backend server: 
(try 1 of 5)
2006-03-15 20:33:56.962 Using protocol version 27
2006-03-15 20:33:56.973 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Monitor
2006-03-15 20:33:56.984 adding: mythtv as a client (events: 0)
[mpeg @ 0xb74d2378]Parser not found for Codec Id: 94210 !
0: start_time: 0.036 duration: 323.660
1: start_time: 2445.322 duration: 323.718
2: start_time: 0.026 duration: 323.644
stream: start_time: 0.289 duration: 30766.816 bitrate=587 kb/s
2006-03-15 20:33:57.317 AFD: Opened codec 0x81195c0, id(MPEG2VIDEO) 
2006-03-15 20:33:57.357 AFD: Opened codec 0x8119df0, id(MP2) type(Audio)
2006-03-15 20:33:58.033 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Monitor
2006-03-15 20:33:58.126 adding: mythtv as a client (events: 1)
2006-03-15 20:33:58.477 commflag: Commercial Flagging Finished
2006-03-15 20:33:58.610 JobQueue: Commercial Flagging Finished, 0 
break(s) found.

Could this be a database problem? I haven't seen anybody else 
complaining about this, so I'm thinking it's something wrong with my 
system. Is there anything else I could provide to help figure this out? 
I've already done a make distclean and re-checked out the source to make 
sure there was nothing wrong there.



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