[mythtv] What am I doing wrong?

Gavin Band gavinband at tiscali.co.uk
Fri Mar 10 12:16:26 UTC 2006


Michael T.Dean wrote:
> This is a better question for the -users list.  Please subscribe at 
> http://mythtv.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/mythtv-users and send to that 
> list.
> Thanks,
> Mike


Colin Guthrie wrote:
> Agree's with Michael overall, but would hint that it's probably due to 
> streaming Vs. NFS sharing.
> Mythbackend can stream (via it's own protocol) the recording (and/or the 
> live TV which is really just another recording now anyway) to the 
> frontend, OR the frontend and backend can realise that the same file is 
> available via NFS and the frontend can open it directly. On my setup 
> (normal DVB), I get stutters like that when it streams but it works fine 
> when I use NFS. Just make sure the setup is the same on both ends and 
> that the location you have for recording Live TV streams is mounted 
> under the same path on the frontend (it shouldn't really be an issue if 
> your f/e and b/e are on the same machine obviously!).
> Hope that helps.
> Col
> -- 

Thank you for the above responses - I will ask on mythtv-users.  My
frontend and backend are both on the same machine - a Dell laptop - so
presumably that means that streaming is not an issue?
Thanks again,

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