[mythtv] [mythtv-commits] mythtv commit: r9296 by danielk

Janne Grunau janne-mythtv at grunau.be
Fri Mar 10 00:54:31 UTC 2006

On Thursday 09 March 2006 23:55, Daniel Kristjansson wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-03-09 at 23:38 +0100, Janne Grunau wrote:
> > I'll create a ticket with a patch for checking buffer size ==
> > section_length+3 and ommitting ParseTable() if buffer size >= 8
> > (the size of the smallest valid DVB table TDT).
> Thanks.

Done. Untested since my dev-box crashed. I'll let it run for the night 
and report tomorrow.

> > ps: Daniel, is it suspicious, if in a backtrace in DVB-land
> > ATSCStreamData shows up? the backtrace is not informative, since I
> > can't see where the ATSCStreamData is called from.
> Short answer no, not especially. Long answer...

Ok, thanks. iirc has the backtrace some signalmonitor bits.


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