[mythtv] frontend crash gdb

Steven Adeff adeffs.mythtv at gmail.com
Thu Mar 9 15:34:22 UTC 2006

On 3/9/06, Isaac Richards <ijr at case.edu> wrote:
> On Thursday 09 March 2006 00:15, Steven Adeff wrote:
> > On 3/8/06, Steven Adeff <adeffs.mythtv at gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I have a gdb.txt from a frontend crash core dump output. I don't know
> > > why it crashed, but I've been getting random crashes from mythfrontend
> > > for a while, I just now got around to setting up coredump captures so
> > > I could create some gdb's for the dev's to figure out the issue.
> > >
> > > I've attached it, and can create a ticket if someone lets me know how
> > > to address the ticket. I'll create more of these as the crashes occur.
> >
> > happened again while watching a recording, here's the gdb.txt from
> > this occurance...
> > (boy I hope I'm creating these properly...)
> You're close. =)  You're cutting off the top bits - where it says where it
> crashed.  Just include from the 'program exited with sigsegv at' information
> on.
> Both of the crashes you sent seem to be dying in the LCD server communication
> code..   Looks to me like it's probably due to unsafe threaded usage of
> QSocket in the LCD class.  Would probably be better to rewrite that to use
> QSocketDevice instead.
> Isaac

Isaac, I'm glad to be able to produce somewhat usable gdb backtraces
now. I don't know what I'm doing thats cutting off the top bits, so
here is what I am doing, and hopefully you can tell me what I need to
change in my process....

I have my mythtv user autologin using the inittab method. I then run
mythfrontend from my mythtv user's xinitrc file:
xset -dpms s off
xsetroot -solid black
ulimit -c unlimited
mythfrontend -v all -l /var/log/mythtv/mythfrontend.log
killall Xorg

which, when crashes and creates the core file I run:
gdb /usr/local/bin/mythfrontend -core=core.xxxx
once in gdb I run the following commands:
set logging on
set pagination off
thread apply all bt full
set logging off

if I'm missing a step or a command here let me know.

I've got two more gdb bt's I've attached. Is it ok with you to create
a ticket with what the gdb files and what you wrote about  the



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