[mythtv] SVN 9302 - HandleTrackAction(GUIDE) not handled

Mark Buechler mark.buechler at gmail.com
Wed Mar 8 20:59:10 UTC 2006

While trying latest SVN I'm getting the following when I select "m", or go
to guide:

2006-03-08 15:53:10.114 HandleTrackAction(GUIDE) not handled
X Error: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied) 10
  Major opcode:  129
  Minor opcode:  5
  Resource id:  0x800007
2006-03-08 15:53:14.153 NVP: Timed out waiting for free video buffers.

At this point Mythfrontend locks. If I kill the frontend and try 1 or 2 more
times it will lock the entire system. I'm looking at this remotely so I
haven't gotten any more information than this so far.

- Mark.
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