[mythtv] DVD Autoclipping

Mark Buechler mark.buechler at gmail.com
Fri Mar 3 15:44:26 UTC 2006

Could this be made into a filter? Then it could be used with Myth's internal
DVD player as well as MythTV. I've always wanted a way to automatically clip
black borders in LiveTV so the picture would take up the entire screen. For
instance, viewing 16x9 content which is formatted in 4x3 with black borders.

- Mark.

On 3/3/06, Matt Cheely <mcheely at glue.umd.edu> wrote:
> I've been working on some code to do automatic cropping in dvds for
> mythdvd using transcode's autoclip filter. I'm doing this for a couple
> of reasons. 1) Letterbox detection seems brokeish 2) I've seen some dvds
> of films that have wierd aspect ratios where letterbox detection would
> likely leave empty space somewhere (mostly older/foriegn films).
> The first thing I wanted to ask is: Is this something anybody other than
> me is going to be interested in using?
> Secondly, it occured to me while working through the code that since we
> know the dvd resolution and aspect ratio, we can compute resize/PAR
> (pixel aspect ratio) paramters in mythdvd/mtd, so why have a separate
> set of transcoding profiles for each dvd type? Why not just have
> profiles that get applied uniformly across dvd types where the user just
> chooses to stretch or shrink to get the proper aspect ratio? It seems
> like that would simplify things a bit, and allow transcode profile
> configuration to be opened up to the user in a not-too-confusing fashion.
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