[mythtv] Interesting Comparison

Mike setimike at gmail.com
Fri Mar 3 12:18:04 UTC 2006

On 3/3/06, Lasse Nisted <zartzartzart+mythtv-dev at gmail.com> wrote:
> You bring up some valid questions. I would like to hear others opinions also.
> On 3/3/06, cardboil <cardboil at gmail.com > wrote:
> >  2. Use files instead of database for settings and guide/recording data
> This  I think is a stupid idea. Databases are for holding large amount of data,
> and allowing easy access to those. I don't see any reason why not to use them.
> Normal formatted files would require implementing a lot of extra routines for accessing
> data the right way. Which is just what the database does for you...

I agree 100% using databases for holding information like the program
guide, but what about configuration? I would really like to ssh in to
change some settings, such as which software is being used to playback
dvds. My TV is great for watching videos but sucks for reading
computer text, not to mention I would then have to dig out and hook up
a keyboard to that computer.

I guess X forwarding should work for me to change those settings
remotely, but I like command line tools.


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