[mythtv] [mythtv-commits] Ticket #1104: multi channelaudio support

Jan Kleinig lueddich at gmx.de
Sat Aug 19 09:23:59 UTC 2006

Hey, where do you get your infos from? ;) Great!

I will change the wires of my system, so I have the right channel in the 
richt speaker for now. Thanks a lot!

@ Mark:
If I should test any new patches with "standard" mappings, you only have 
to say so ;) I have another idea: What about using different sound 
devices for different things? For example, I made a .asoundrc file 
defining a device that copies the front left+right to the center, base 
and rear speakers. With your patch, I have 6-channel-sound when it's in 
the stream, but 2-channel-sound is only on front left+right... What do 
you think about that?

Michael T. Dean schrieb:
> On 08/17/2006 03:22 AM, Lueddich at gmx.de wrote:
>> I'm using a ASUS Pundit-R with an integrated ATI IXP Sound Device, I think, it's a 150...
> OK, so yours is definitely using the ALSA standard assignments in 
> hardware and Mark's is using a card-specific assignment in hardware.
> So, the behavior we should see on yours if Mark wrote the patch to use 
> the outputs for his card:
> Your mappings (hardware and drivers):
> chn0 - front left
> chn1 - front right
> chn2 - rear left
> chn3 - rear right
> chn4 - center
> chn5 - lfe
> His card's hardware mappings (which would then correspond to the 
> software mapping in Myth):
> chn0 - front left
> chn1 - front right
> chn2 - center
> chn3 - lfe
> chn4 - rear left
> chn5 - rear right
> So, you should hear the center channel on your rear left speaker, lfe on 
> your rear right (assuming your speaker has the range), rear left on your 
> center, and rear right on your lfe.
> This seems to agree with your description of the issue...
> Mike
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