[mythtv] Re: Re: Ticket #255: Improved scheduling of consecutive programs with pre-roll/overrecord

Rudy Zijlstra mythtv at edsons.demon.nl
Sat Oct 1 22:51:28 UTC 2005

Keith Irwin wrote:

> On Oct 1, 2005, at 4:32 AM, Rudy Zijlstra wrote:
>> The reason i do not like the unexpected behaviour of soft time 
>> support, is that it significantly lowers F(amily)AF. There simply is 
>> no way to explain the resulting behaviour to them... And considering 
>> the serious extra time that is needed to solve the slippage here, 
>> soft timing simply is not resulting in predictable behaviour. Yes i 
>> understand your budget problem. I've gone to the length of using 3 
>> back-ends, each with 2 tuners to fully solve the schedule conflicts 
>> (4 analog tuners, 2 SAT tuners).
> I don't see how having the -option- of using soft time would lower the 
> your family's acceptance of mythtv.  -No one- is talking about forcing 
> you to use soft time.  "I don't want to use it" is not an argument 
> against a feature which would be useful to others.
> Keith
I was answering the posed question of *why* i do not like it....
What others do is up to them. As long as it is an option, and does not 
make things unstable.


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