[mythtv] Re: [PATCH] Fix MythMusic metadata extracting from filename

Simon Kenyon simon at koala.ie
Tue Mar 22 21:37:38 UTC 2005

On Tuesday 22 March 2005 16:42, Colin Guthrie wrote:
> Simon Kenyon wrote:
> It uses ID3v2.4 tags which is "standard" just not very supported.
then it is not a standard (yet)

> The reason that this cannot be changed back is that there are now
> metadata editing facilities built in to Myth and this necessitated the
> use of libid3tag (already a dependancy) for tag editing.
> Unfortunatly, it will only write v2.4 tags (a total pain I agree).
> I personally would like to use TagLib, but alas that is not an option as
> it's an extra dependancy.

well we should go after that then - if the current dependency is not up to the 
job then we should move.
did firewire just get added?
that introduced libraw1394  and libiec61883
so the no new dependencies argument does not hold water

> If you can add to libid3tag_hack.c in MythMusic to make it write v2.3
> tags then this would be great, but failing that other applications
> /should/ upgrade really seeing as it's the latest version...
see above

> I'd appreciate some feed back from you on an upcoming most titled
> "MetaLibrarian RFC" which I'll post probably later tonight.... It would
> have a solution to this..., though not without it's problems. If you
> have the id3v2 program on your computer there is a hacky patch posted by
> Paul on this thread that will use that app to do the tagging, tho' it
> doesn't support compilation artists (despite id3v2 being capable of
> writing those frames).
i read your email. it sounded like you were putting the tags in the db, where 
they are no use to anyone except mythmusic

> Personally, I'd just use Ogg. Myth/iTunes can play them fine ;) tho' I
> guess this depends on personal media player support too (my iRiver likes
> them!).
do ipods play ogg? i didn't know that!
> Col.

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