[mythtv] Air2PC 5th Gen Status / Misc. DVB Updates

Jarod Wilson jarod at wilsonet.com
Fri Jun 10 08:14:00 UTC 2005

On Jun 09, 2005, at 10:14, Brandon Beattie wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 09, 2005 at 01:17:48PM -0400, Taylor Jacob wrote:
>> Quoting Brandon Beattie <brandon+myth at linuxis.us>:
>> <snip>
>>> Interesting.. I haven't seen effects that have made a huge  
>>> difference on
>>> my signals.. 2%-3%.  I guess placement is probably most critical  
>>> thing,
>>> regardless of the tuner card...  Mine is on the back of a home,  
>>> about 35
>>> feet off the ground.. no metal near it at all, and it's a 15-20 mile
>>> shot to the tower.. LOS.  My lowest signal is 88% or so, and most  
>>> are
>>> 94-98% with the HD-3000's..
>> Key thing.. LOS.. I can't see any of the towers in the horizon and  
>> I have 2 uhf
>> yagis on my roof stacked.. They are 1000 ft sticks but due to the  
>> terrain here
>> I am screwed.. Where abouts are you at in the country?

Taylor's environment sounds very similar to mine. 30 miles or so  
outside Seattle, no LOS, weaving through lots of trees and past a big  
hill. Definitely interested to see how the new Air2PC fares against  
my HD2000 (not to mention how it does w/my cable, which the prior  
Air2PC did NOT like).

> SLC Utah, the towers are on the western mountains and I'm up on the
> eastern mountains.  The valley is below, and could give a fair bit  
> of MP
> hitting whatever is down there though too... I did angle my
> antenna about 5 degrees north, because I did see a more jumpy signal
> directly at the towers.. I run through 350' of cat 6 and 2 1-4
> splitters, use a $20 small yaggi from radio shack and no amplifier..

I should buy you a drink or something. I'll be in SLC for about two  
weeks, starting June 27th...

Jarod Wilson
jarod at wilsonet.com

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