[mythtv] DVD Channel Auto-Add

Damion de Soto damion at snapgear.com
Tue Jun 7 03:04:26 UTC 2005

Hi Michael,

> I am running MythTV release 18.1, on Slackware 10.1 box. Using Via XvMC.
> Specifically I will add channel 7, and some how channels 70, 71,72 and 77 
> (channel 7's other digital channels) magically appear.
I'm still running version 17, and this happens to me.
I quickly gave up trying to delete them, and now use the visible flag.  I thought 
this had sorted it out, and was fine for a few months, but just last week, another 
few channels suddenly appeared!
This time they were duplicates of existing channels (I had changed the original
channel numbers to something more useable).

I still have the problem that I can sometimes browse up/down to the invisible 
channels, which i believe is fixed in version 0.18.
However, I still think there's something else a bit dodgy going on - and I wouldn't 
be surprised if it's something that only applies to our badly setup DVB system in 


Damion de Soto - Software Engineer  email:     damion at snapgear.com
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