[mythtv] mythgame : features...

Greg Estabrooks greg at phaze.org
Fri Jul 15 08:42:35 EDT 2005

> I am pretty sure it is simply a standard CRC32, aka the one provided by 
> ZIP. I'm not as sure for the GoodTools... Maybe they do something different?

 The CRC I'm generating matches what is returned via zip, and what I'm 
generating matches what is in the GoodTools dat files and all data files
I've tried so far except for the tosec database. I haven't given up on
the tosec data yet, I'm still poking around and going to check out the forums
and email the maintainer about it, but so far it's not "leading the pack" :)

 I'm also looking at starting my own RomDB. gathering info from goodtools
dat files and whatever else I can get my hands on, and pulling items 
like releasedate, country, software maker and other info right from the 
raw roms. This list could be web accessible for searches, and could be 
downloaded as a "Drop in" set of info for mythgame to use. It's a 
fairly big job but is so far looking like it would provide the best results.

 Plus I would make the scripts to pull the data available so that users
could run them on their collections and just send me the output which I could
match up and add to the database which is much more likely than a user manually
doing it.

> The advantage to using the standard ZIP one is of course that there is 

 But you can't just assume roms are going to be zipped. What I have now
(mostly ripped from the old neshandler.cpp) returns the CRC of the rom,
or if the file is zipped of the rom inside of the zip file.

 And in the case of a NES rom it skips the 16 byte iNES header and 
generates the crc based on the rest of the data. This seems to match up with
all of the rom handling utilities I've looked at.

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