[mythtv] Scheduling problem

Brent Borghese mythtv at bborghese.com
Tue Feb 22 03:39:12 UTC 2005

My system has two tuners.  And at 9:00pm the system was recording two

Then at 9:05pm  I found that the show that should start at 10:00pm was
starting at 9:30am.

So I stopped recording one of the shows that started at 9:00pm.  This
should have resolved the conflict with the 9:30pm show, but it did not.

Myth was saying that the 9:30pm show was still being blocked by a higher
priority show(the one I stopped) and it had a free tuner.

The only way to get it to record the show at 9:30pm was to change the
priority of the show above the priority of the stopped show. 

0.16 had a option called: "Record Anyway" witch seems to be gone.


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