[mythtv] Schedule conflicts: Lost

Jeff Clowser jclowser at unitedmessaging.com
Mon Feb 21 14:57:43 UTC 2005

How hard would it be to code up a global setting that says something 
along the line of:

- If 2 programs overlap by x minutes or less, record both, missing a 
small portion of one.  x could be a configurable setting, or something 
hardcoded but reasonable, like 5 minutes.
- As for which program should be recorded during the overlap, it could 
be either the program that comes first timewise, or the program with the 
higher priority.  Maybe make the choice between these 2 options 
configurable - I'm not sure if it would be preferable to miss the 
beginning of a show vs the end, or to make sure I get all of the higher 
priority show.

Kevin Kuphal wrote:
> Fa Yoeu wrote:
>> I am finding that one of my favorite shows to watch "Lost" ends 3
>> minutes past the hour.  However, because of this shows scheduled after
>> it is marked as conflicting.  Without going through and manually
>> resolving the conflicts, Is there a mode that tells myth to record the
>> next show anyways and start it after the first show finishes.  Thanks.
> Nope, this has been also on my list of things I want to fix.  You could 
> tell the conflicting show to start recording -3 minutes early which 
> should resolve the conflict permanently but then if Lost isn't on, 
> you'll miss the first 3 minutes anyways.
> Kevin
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