[mythtv] Re: Scheduler behavior, why?

Bruce Markey bjm at lvcm.com
Sat Feb 12 20:28:04 UTC 2005

Anduin Withers wrote:
>>Then either the description or your judging is poor because this
>>is precisely what this options is for. Reread the section for
>>Reschedule Higher Priorities in:
> "Reschedule Higher Priorities" I don't know how I could have possibly
> misinterpreted that.

Most likely because you misinterpreted what "Higher Priorities"

>  Even reading the help text made me think I was right,
> heck even the web page I was pointed to still has me thinking I'm right.
> All indications there seem to point to how I'd interpret it, e.g.
> "Reschedule Higher Priorities" should come into play when a higher priority
> pushes a lower priority out (but there is a later scheduling for it that
> would work), there is not a higher priority in this case, essentially what

This is the (understandable) point of confusion. You presume that
because you didn't specify, there is no issue of what should get
first dibs. What if you had two cards, three shows and no later
showings? One of them has to lose and it has to be deterministic.
You would want a different show to lose randomly each time the
scheduler ran. The list is always sorted and if two items have the
same total priority, it needs to make the next deterministic decision
as to which will be placed ahead of the other.

The web page you were pointed to ;) is the MythTV HOWTO which is
also in the ./docs dir of your source tree. The section "Scheduling
decisions" gives a better description of how things are sorted. The
default is to strictly place first things first. 

"Medical Investigation" won because it is a more specific type. Monk
BSG and NUMB3RS may have been tied on every count all the way down
to NUMB3RS most likely being the newest record rule.

You can see that Monk could record at midnight which is why you want
to allow it to move items that may had been placed first due to the
fact that they were higher in the sorted list. SHM (schedMoveHigher)
is precisely there to allow this but the default is that it is turned

--  bjm

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