[mythtv] Re: [mythtv-commits] Bob and XVMC

Steven mythmail at richardstraat.homedns.org
Thu Feb 3 20:02:59 UTC 2005

mythtv at cvs.mythtv.org schreef:

>Changes committed by bjm on Thu Feb  3 01:58:43 2005
>Modified Files:
>   in mythtv/libs/libmythtv:
>        NuppelVideoPlayer.cpp 
>Log Message:
>Fix for some bob deinterlacer problems by Doug Larrick and myself.
>This turns off bobbing at any speed other than 1X. In addition to
>fixing a bug for smooth fast motion, this greatly improves the
>image during audio stretch and high speed fast forward and rewind.
Tried todays CVS on my EPIA-M frontend with xvmc (unichrome) and wanted 
to report that using deinterlacing gives me about 5 frames per second 
(tried bob and onefield) with processor still 80% idle. Lots of 
prebuffer messages in the log.
Using xvmc without deinterlacing works fine.

With HW accell. turnend  (using xv) off bob doesn't work either and 
gives me green frames flashing trough the image.
Om my pundit-r frontend using xv all seems ok.



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