[mythtv] MythTV 0.18.2?

Jarod Wilson jarod at wilsonet.com
Tue Dec 27 19:35:16 EST 2005

On Tuesday 27 December 2005 15:14, Sasha Z wrote:
> Ah, that. That wasn't the problem I was thinking of. A few other users
> and I are experiencing completely unexpected loss of database
> connectivity when running current SVN and mysql5. I manually
> implemented that fix with -fixes and it had the same problem.
> I know it has to be a mysql problem since I switched back to mysql4
> everything cleared up.
> So... I don't think mysql5 support is quite done yet, but I admit that
> I can't be more helpful in pegging the problem. gdb and strace don't
> yield anything interesting, and there is no explanation why it would
> happen that way at all.

Ah, didn't know there was an additional problem w/mysql5. Interesting.

> There should definitely be an 0.18.2 release, but maybe it should come
> with a caveat: "Only supports the mysql 4 branch!"

That'd actually be mysql 3 and 4, but yes, sounds fine to me. Doesn't affect 
too many users anyhow. Is any distribution shipping mysql5 as stable yet? 

Jarod Wilson
jarod at wilsonet.com
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