[mythtv] IOCTL Invalid Options

twolf tcharron at dyndns.org
Sat Nov 13 11:27:17 UTC 2004

 Hello.  I'm new to MythTV, and am currently trying to get it working with my 
MSI TV @Anywhere Master card, and have run into some issues.  I'm trying to 
debug it to find out exactly where it's going wrong..

 When I try to watch Live TV, mythbackend spews:

Starting up as the master server.
VIDIOCMCAPTUREi0: Invalid argument
VIDIOCMCAPTUREi1: Invalid argument
VIDIOCMCAPTURE0: Invalid argument
VIDIOCMCAPTURE1: Invalid argument
VIDIOCMCAPTURE0: Invalid argument
VIDIOCMCAPTURE1: Invalid argument
VIDIOCMCAPTURE0: Invalid argument
VIDIOCMCAPTURE1: Invalid argument
VIDIOCMCAPTURE0: Invalid argument

 Now I know it's an ioctl call somewhere that's failing.  Is there any easy 
way to figure out WHAT ioctl call is failing horribly?  I watch TV fine using 
tvtime and kinda fine with xawtv, xawtv has some funny issues with static in 
the sound at times, but beyond that, it works fine..

 Personally, I'm fine with digging thru and trying to figure out exactly what 
is failing, I guess I'm just wondering if there's an easier way to see what 
ioctl call is failing..

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