[mythtv] Slow MythMusic (and likely other slow list building) problem solved

Ed Benckert ed at ebonmists.com
Tue Mar 2 13:58:05 EST 2004

Joseph A. Caputo wrote:

> It's not broken, it's by design.  Keep in mind that Myth is not a 
> monolithic program.  There are at least 2 executables (mythbackend/
> mythfrontend), and multiple instances may be running on multiple 
> machines.  The idea is that when Myth needs to query a setting from the 
> database, it does so each time it needs it in case some other process 
> (another frontend, backend, manual DB edit, etc) has changed the 
> setting since the last time it ran.
> If, for a particular piece of code, it's only necessary to read the 
> value once, then that piece of code should be designed with that in 
> mind.  Changing MythContext::Get[Num]Setting isn't the right answer.
> So, if mythmusic only needs to call GetNumSetting once instead of every 
> time true, change the mythmusic code, not Get[Num]Setting.

Aah good point. I forgot about the possible multiple frontends.

Either way, mythmusic did have a problem, and as soon as I get the latest 
CVS version down I'll be sending along a patch. I 'fixed' the code against 
the src.rpm 0.14 version of mythmusic, wanna make sure it's clean against 
the CVS.

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