[mythtv] My MythTv Settings for P3 1000Mhz w 512 MB Ram

Nathan Langley mythtv-dev@snowman.net
Fri, 13 Dec 2002 23:46:00 -0600

Here is my settings file.  Im running a P3 1000mhz with 512mb ram and a 120gb 
Seagate IV drive.  The drive tests to 38mbs/sec.
With these settings I can watch and record at the same time at about 50% cpu 
usage if I up the res to 480x480 I can record and watch at about 85%.

# Live TV options
# Size of the buffer for watching live tv, in GB
int BufferSize=1
# The amount of space to fill the buffer up before
forcing an unpause, in MB
# Basically, the minimum amount of free space that the buffer will allow before
# forcing an unpause.
int MaxBufferFill=50
# The desired path + name of the live tv buffer
str BufferName=/mnt/Media/Tmp/ringbuf.nuv
# Path to store recordings in
str RecordFilePrefix=/mnt/Media/Tmp/

# Record settings
# Video settings
# Resolution to capture at
int Width=352
int Height=384
# What codec to use?  Tested values are rtjpeg (the default) and mpeg4
str Codec=mpeg4
# I normally use 640x480 with the mpeg4 codec and the below settings.
# RTjpeg specific settings
# Quality level to capture at (higher better, 255 being best)
int Quality=170
# Motion Levels (lower better, 0 being best)
int LumaFilter=0
int ChromaFilter=0
# MPEG4 specific settings
# Desired bitrate, in bits/second.  2200 means about a gigabyte an hour.
int TargetBitrate=3300
# Scale bitrate by frame size.  If this is set to 1, the target bitrate given
# above will be used as a guideline for 640x480.  Other resolutions will scale
# the target bitrate down according to the framesize.
int ScaleBitrate=1
# Maximum quality level.  1 is best, 31 is worst
int MaxQuality=2
# Minimum quality level.  1 is best, 31 is worst
int MinQuality=7
# Maximum quality difference between frames.
int QualDiff=3
# Hardware MJPEG specific settings
# Quality level (0 - 100)
int HardwareMJPEGQuality=100
# Decimation (as in lavrec) -- overrides the video size set above.
# 1 is 720x480, 2 is 352x240 (at least in NTSC-land).
int HardwareMJPEGDecimation=2
# Audio settings
# dsp device -- output only
str AudioDevice=/dev/dsp
# Audio Sample Rate: one of 32000, 44100, 48000
int AudioSampleRate=32000
# Turn off the audio compression? 1 for yes, 0 for no.  Compression saves 500
# megabytes an hour, but takes extra CPU time.
int DontCompressAudio=0
# Quality level for the MP3 compression (0 best - 9 worst)
int MP3Quality=7
# Length of time to record past the end of a show, in seconds
int RecordOverTime=5

# Playback options
# Deinterlace playback (1 for on, 0 for no) -- adds to CPU usage
int Deinterlace=1
# How long to skip forward on a fast forward?
int FastForwardAmount=25
# How long to skip backwards on a rewind?
int RewindAmount=7
# Are seeks exact, down to the video frame?
int ExactSeeking=0
# Are the fast forward and rewind keys sticky (auto-repeat after letting go)?
# (set FastForwardAmount and RewindAmount to 1 for good behavior if this is on)
int StickyKeys=0
# How long should the OSD stay up for in seconds?
int OSDDisplayTime=4
# Theme to use for the OSD, if 'none' or otherwise doesn't exist, the normal
# ugly OSD will be used instead.
str OSDTheme=defaultosd
# Path to the TTF used in the OSD.
str OSDFont=FreeSans.ttf
#str OSDFont=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/Arial.ttf
# Channel ordering.  How to choose the next channel when using the up/down
# keys on the remote.
# Possible values are: channum, chanid, callsign
# channum is the default, channel 4 follows channel 3
# chanid sorts according to the internal database order
# callsign sorts according to the channel's callsign, like TVLAN, TWC, USA
str ChannelOrdering=channum + 0
# Which input on the tuner card to start on?
str TunerCardInput=Television

# TV options
str TVFormat=NTSC
str FreqTable=us-cable
# Over/underscan options
# do we over or underscan inside mythtv?  either 'overscan' or 'underscan'
str VertScanMode=overscan
str HorizScanMode=overscan
# How much do we chop (or add)?  %, 0 - 100
int VertScanPercentage=3
int HorizScanPercentage=0
# How much do we offset the picture?
int xScanDisplacement=4
int yScanDisplacement=17
Nathan Langley
Linux > BSD > MacOS > DOS > Windows