[mythtv-commits] Ticket #13300: Python Bindings enhancemts according to latest MythTV protocol (91)
noreply at mythtv.org
Mon Aug 26 00:55:27 UTC 2019
#13300: Python Bindings enhancemts according to latest MythTV protocol (91)
Reporter: rcrdnalor | Owner: Raymond Wagner
Type: Patch - Feature | Status: infoneeded_new
Priority: minor | Milestone: 31.0
Component: Bindings - Python | Version: v29-fixes
Severity: medium | Resolution:
Keywords: | Ticket locked: 0
Changes (by Bill Meek):
* status: new => infoneeded_new
* milestone: needs_triage => 31.0
Roland, are any changes required for Python 3? E.g. in the 2nd patch
here: {{{'comment':u'', 'hostname':'', 'storagegroup':''}}}
Ticket URL: <https://code.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/13300#comment:4>
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