[mythtv-commits] Ticket #13186: Replace deprecated ffmpeg functions
noreply at mythtv.org
Tue Dec 19 23:00:05 UTC 2017
#13186: Replace deprecated ffmpeg functions
Reporter: pbennett | Owner: pbennett
Type: Developer Task | Status: accepted
Priority: minor | Milestone: 30.0
Component: MythTV - General | Version: Master Head
Severity: medium | Resolution:
Keywords: | Ticket locked: 0
Comment (by pbennett):
Patch 012 fixes deprecated avcodec_encode_video2 in mpeg2fix
mpeg2fix.cpp is used in lossless transcode with cut list. That is working
The remaining occurrences of avcodec_encode_video2 are in code that does
not work, so I cannot test it, and thus have not fixed it. They are in
!NuppelVideoRecorder and AVFormat.
mythtranscode fails with a segfault without any of my changes in it when
run with -avf option to test avformatwriter.cpp.
I created a recorder that uses !NuppelVideo by using a capture card that
consists of my laptop webcam. When attempting to watch LiveTV on that I
had a segfault in frontend, a segfault in backend, and a recording that
consists of a green screen with black dots flying around. So - not
working, without any changes.
Ticket URL: <https://code.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/13186#comment:19>
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