[mythtv-commits] Ticket #12501: MythBackend Locks Up

MythTV noreply at mythtv.org
Wed Sep 9 01:02:24 UTC 2015

#12501: MythBackend Locks Up
     Reporter:  compnerd@…           |      Owner:
         Type:  Bug Report -         |     Status:  new
  Hang/Deadlock                      |
     Priority:  blocker              |  Milestone:
    Component:  MythTV - General     |    Version:  Master Head
     Severity:  medium               |   Keywords:  mythbackend deadlock
Ticket locked:  0                    |  0.28
 Mythbackend has been locking up recently. I didn't have verbose logging
 going on the last couple of times, so I will attach that at a later time
 (once it happens again). I don't have steps to reproduce, it just seems to
 happen at random. Sometimes it takes 5 minutes between killing the
 previous process to over a day.

 It completely stops responding to the API, frontends, mythweb, etc. The
 process is not using 100% which is why I think this is just a deadlock and
 not a resource problem.

 I was able to get two backtraces during the lock up (attach method). Those
 are attached. This has occurred for about a month, give or take, so I
 think it is around the last 2 or 3 releases from this PPA:

Ticket URL: <https://code.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/12501>
MythTV <http://www.mythtv.org>
MythTV Media Center

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