[mythtv-commits] Ticket #11289: Can't EXIT ( to OS ) on frontend final exit menu
noreply at mythtv.org
Tue Apr 9 17:05:25 UTC 2013
#11289: Can't EXIT ( to OS ) on frontend final exit menu
Reporter: rfmis@… | Owner:
Type: Bug Report - General | Status: new
Priority: minor | Milestone: unknown
Component: MythTV - General | Version: 0.26
Severity: low | Resolution:
Keywords: | Ticket locked: 0
Comment (by rasmus@…):
I had the same nearly the same problem.
it turned out to be that 0.26 frontend have airplay enabled,
I disable airplay in frontend general the setting will frist enable af
restart of frontend, so it will not shutdown after disable airplay,
I killed frontend from another pc ssh to the myth server in terminal
# ps aux | grep mythfront
and kill the 2 proces that are running
# kill -9 "ID number"
then i restarted the frontend, and now i could exit the frontend without
Ticket URL: <http://code.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/11289#comment:1>
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