[mythtv-commits] Ticket #6663: NULL descriptions cause invalid data to be stored when using EIT.

MythTV mythtv at cvs.mythtv.org
Thu Apr 15 04:16:42 UTC 2010

#6663: NULL descriptions cause invalid data to be stored when using EIT.
 Reporter:  Kristopher <setnes@…>          |       Owner:  danielk   
     Type:  defect                         |      Status:  infoneeded
 Priority:  minor                          |   Milestone:  unknown   
Component:  MythTV - EIT                   |     Version:  0.22-fixes
 Severity:  medium                         |     Mlocked:  0         

Comment(by hwertz):

 Actually, I have the same problem.  I live in Iowa City, IA, and get 2,
 12, 15, 20, 26, 32, and 48 over the air (and 7 and 9 off cable.)   12, 32,
 and 26 will frequently give me shifted descriptions.  26 has plenty of
 corruption (a 30 minute show can record 28 minutes long, with no
 noticeable dropouts, just frequent 1 or 2 frame corruption... this made me
 think "corrupted program guide data".  BUT, 12 and 32 ore both PBS but
 totally different transmitter sites, and both usually have the same bad
 EIT data.   In both cases, I can fire up mysql, "truncate table program;"
 and it will often reload the correct data (I don't usually bother since it
 acts up so frequently.)   And then replace it later with incorrect data.

      I'll turn on EIT debugging when I am not in the middle of recording
 something, I've really wanted to capture the EIT directly to see if
 there's corruption or not.  If the EIT truly sent as a table rather than
 independent "packets" for each show, perhaps the entire EIT has to be
 accepted (if no corruption) or rejected atomically.

Ticket URL: <http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/6663#comment:8>
MythTV <http://www.mythtv.org/>

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