[mythtv-commits] Ticket #8329: Patch to change mythbackend's logfile name

MythTV mythtv at cvs.mythtv.org
Sat Apr 10 18:34:58 UTC 2010

#8329: Patch to change mythbackend's logfile name
 Reporter:  Bill <billstuff2001@…>              |       Owner:  ijr       
     Type:  patch                               |      Status:  new       
 Priority:  minor                               |   Milestone:  unknown   
Component:  MythTV - General                    |     Version:  Trunk Head
 Severity:  medium                              |     Mlocked:  0         

Comment(by mdean):

 It would be significantly simpler to implement functionality for
 mythbackend similar to #3622 --ideally moving the frontend-only
 log_rotate() code to a library and reusing it in both applications--and
 using a real log-rotation application along with a SIGHUP to reopen files.
 If nothing else, we should have a standard approach in both mythfrontend
 and mythbackend.

Ticket URL: <http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/8329#comment:1>
MythTV <http://www.mythtv.org/>

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