[mythtv-commits] mythtv commits

mythtv at cvs.mythtv.org mythtv at cvs.mythtv.org
Thu Jun 24 05:55:04 EDT 2004

Changes committed by cpinkham on Thu Jun 24 09:51:04 2004

Modified Files:
   in mythtv/libs/libmyth:
   in mythtv/libs/libmythtv:
        RingBuffer.cpp avformatdecoder.cpp 
   in mythtv/programs/mythbackend:
        commercialflag.cpp main.cpp 
   in mythtv/programs/mythfrontend:
Log Message:

* Added low watermark to ThreadedFileWriter.  TFW::DiskLoop will wait until
    there are (buffersize / 8) bytes to be written before it writes data
    out instead of writing as soon as it arrives.  This will group writes
    into 256KB chunks since the current buffer size is 2MB.

* Added code to flush buffer in ThreadedFileWriter when the writer is
    closed or a seek is made.

* Modified ThreadedFileWriter::DiskLoop() to honor the result of safe_write()
    so data is not lost if safe_write() couldn't write out data for some

* Modified call to perror in safe_write to print out errcnt which is the
    number of times there has been an error trying the current write.

* Limit the number of commercial flagging threads started
    when the master backend is started.  Previously if a user turned on
    Auto-flagging and restarted the backend, the backend would fire off
    a flagging thread for every unflagged recording.  Now, it will only
    flag the most recent 5 recordings.  This is a simple stop-gap
    measure for now until more intelligent queueing is added.

* Set libav* logging in avformatdecoder.cpp to default at errors only unless
    user specifies "-v libav" on the command line of mythbackend/mythfrontend.


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